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SaseraNet QVPN

Quantum-safe VPN Solution for Top Secret data

Passion for Privacy

Data networks are vulnerable. Encrypt your data in transit to protect it from a network breach.

SaseraNet QVPN are high-end Quantum-safe VPN encryptors used to ensure the security of any IP network against the most sophisticated threats. The platform consists of specialized hardware, designed and produced exclusively in Switzerland


Our team steadily follows the latest results of research. With the integration of post-quantum key exchange as default, we are sure to provide you a state-of-the-art encryption. Nevertheless, it is in your hands to select your preferred encryption by configuration.


Beside the encryption method, the quality of the keys strongly defines the security of your data. The approved Quantum True Random Number Generators (QRNG) integrated, warrant best and verifiable randomness of your key and with this enables highest security.


To keep your data as secret as possible, we offer a tamper proof version, which in worst case destroys your secret prior to enabling third-party access, even during transport or power-off.


Supported networks: IPv4, IPv6

Supported topologies: Site-to-Site, Hub-and-Spoke, Mesh, Remote Access

Routing: static and dynamic, dynamic multipoint VPN (DMVPN)

Encryption of unicast, multicast and broadcast traffic

Tamper-protected housing with embedded HSM and key wipe mechanism

Key management with a strict offline-root model

Strongest crypto technology available providing Perfect Forward Secrecy for TOP SECRET data

Encryption cipher: AES-256-CTR/GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305, Camellia, others

Hybrid Key Exchange with side channel resistant Post Quantum Supersingular isogeny key agreement or traditional Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithms (ECDSA, EdDSA)

Key generation with Swiss-made Quantum True Random Number Generator (QRNG) for high-quality encryption keys

Customer-specific encryption algorithm available on request

With SASERA you protect your intellectual capital easily and effectively. Our “Swiss Made High-End Security Solutions” are always up-to-date. Your innovations and confidential information deserve the best available protection.

Contact us for a non-binding offer or a free test (Proof of concept).

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