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SASERA, a one-stop shop for Swiss Made high-end security solutions, offers you the best available security solutions to protect your intellectual capital and your sensitive data.

Our offer is aimed at companies and authorities that are aware of the risks of digitization.

Secure Communication

Your data is end-to-end encrypted throughout the entire communication with SaseraTalk, SaseraView and SaseraMail (chat, group chat, phone calls, group conference, SMS, video and email) no matter where you are located worldwide and in which network you are. Besides the users in your predefined “closed user group”, no one, including our team, can read your messages.




Secure Collaboration

With SaseraCloud, your data is encrypted and securely transferred to any cloud solution. SaseraSafe makes the collaboration in the company safe and easy. Share and synchronize your data with your team, customer, or supplier – anytime and anywhere.



Endpoint Security

With SaseraCrypt, SaseraDrive and SaseraPhone, your data is always securely encrypted on every device (PC, laptop, tablet, USB flash drive and smartphone) and is safe from theft and loss. SASERA provides you with a comprehensive portfolio of encryption solutions to ensure your success and your business security.




Network Security

With SaseraNet, we protect your data in transit with our high-performance and quantum-safe network encryption solutions. Our platform can encrypt high throughput traffic up to 100Gbps across local and storage area networks for data back-up and recovery and fully meshed global WAN networks for international operations.

SaseraNet QLink

SaseraNet QVPN

Protect your intellectual capital, your innovations and governmental information with the latest and safest Swiss security solutions.